Bamboo Lagoon, also known as Tre Bay, stands out for its pristine and tranquil natural beauty, nestled in the area of Côn Đảo. Covering an area of approximately 132 hectares, the bay is a relatively enclosed, sheltered area that avoids the impact of large waves. Outside the mouth of the bay is a deep-water region connecting to the open sea. Surrounding the bay is a mangrove forest, spanning around 5 hectares, home to 46 plant species from 27 different families. Prominent species include Duoc, Doi, Dung, Dang, and Muop Xac Huong. This mangrove forest in Bamboo Lagoon is one of the few remaining pristine forests in Vietnam. The mangroves grow on a mixture of sand, gravel, and coral, fully submerged in saltwater, setting it apart from other mangrove forests in Vietnam. Due to its unique soil and climatic conditions, the mangrove trees are not tall, but they have extensively developed roots, spreading with a diameter of about 6 to 8 meters. Bamboo Lagoon is a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts and those seeking peace and relaxation amidst untouched beauty.